As a principle we will attempt to declare all relevant conflicts of interest in relation to our postings.
However, we have many conflicts of interest and therefore read this information with this in,and an open,mind.
As a principle we will attempt to declare all relevant conflicts of interest in relation to our postings.
However, we have many conflicts of interest and therefore read this information with this in,and an open,mind.
Klaus Schmierer is a principal investigator of trials sponsored by Novartis, Roche and Teva. He is also involved in trials sponsored byBiogen, Genzyme, BIAL, has revieced speaking honoraria from, and/or served in an advisory role for, Biogen, Novartis, Teva, Merck Inc., and travel support from Genzyme to attend AAN 2014. Klaus and his group have received research grant support from Novartis, the WellcomeTrust, the National MS Society (US), the MS Society of Great Britain & Northern Ireland, the Royal College of Radiologists, and Barts Charity.
We have received grant support from companies and Aims2cure; The National Multiple Sclerosis Society, The Multiple Sclerosis Society, The Wellcome Trust; The Medical Research Council; Innovate UK; Fastforward and others, for which we are very grateful.
Updated, October 2015
Updated, October 2015